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Version: v4


This guide describes how to install Reviewpad ⚡

To install Reviewpad on a repository, please follow the following steps.

Step 1. Navigate to the Reviewpad GitHub App page

Open the Reviewpad GitHub App page and click the green button Install.


Please note that you will need to be an admin of the GitHub organization or the repository where you wish to install Reviewpad.

Reviewpad Installation - Step 1

Step 2. Choose which repositories to install Reviewpad on

You can choose to install Reviewpad in All repositories or Only select repositories.

Once you have selected the option you want, click the green button Install.

Reviewpad Installation - Step 2

Step 3. Create your reviewpad.yml configuration files

For every repository where you've installed Reviewpad, a reviewpad.yml configuration file is required. This file should be located in the root of the master branch.

The reviewpad.yml configuration file is where you define the automations and policies you wish to apply to your repository.

To ease you into this process, we have prepared a 5 Minutes Tutorial.

And that's it! 🎉